Monday, October 13, 2008

Waiting on the sidewalk

While I was on the sidewalk outside my office in the 9th Ward today waiting for Sarah to pick me up from work this car pulls up. Quick Matt think what do you do!

a.)Duck...its a drive by
b.)Ignore them..they may be a homeless person asking for money (it could happen)
c.)Pull out your Tylenol... they are looking for a drug deal (here is your chance to get out of debt Matt)
d.)Get your mental map ready....its a tourist asking for directions

Well I was going with C (the drug deal)...But it turns out to be choice D (the Tourist)...and here is their classic question verbatim, "How do you get to that dam that broke on those people??" Ding Ding your a Dork...Its a Levee and are you speaking of the time when peoples homes and lives were WASHED AWAY (not and exaggerate statement, they actually WASHED AWAY)....

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