Monday, September 8, 2008

Being a Dad top Ten

10.)Bragging about Emma's Development

9.)Watching Emma play in her ExcerSaucer

8.) Talking to Emma and having her talk back

7.) Listening to Emma laugh (she can "belly laugh" now)

6.) Picking up Emma from a nap and seeing that sweet contagious smile

5.) Dressing up Emma in pretty dresses and outfits

4.) Seeing the Joy in Sarah's eyes when I take Emma on a Daddy date

3.) Daddy dates

2.) Taking a nap with Emma while she holds my finger

1.) Looking at Emma and knowing she is Sarah and my sweet baby


Sarah said...

Emma is so blessed to have such a wonderful father.

I love you.

The Beasleys said...

I am so loving that picture of you and her at Kelly's house. That should be framed!!! She is so cute!