Life has become so exciting and full of adventures with Sarah and my sweet baby Emma. Emma is slowly getting into a somewhat schedule and I am having fun at work.
Usually Emma will go to sleep around 9pm at night and we will go down with her, she will wake up and eat and love on Mommy (or Daddy if he is awake enough) then go back to sleep. Then she will wake Mommy and Daddy up at about 6:00am or so and Daddy will hold his sweetheart (and sometimes Emma..J/K), then go he will go get ready for work and set up the bed for Mommy (Put the computer on the bed and plug it in, set the remotes on the bed, get the Breast Pump ready, make Sarah breakfast, etc.) Then Daddy makes his lunch and water bottle. Then with a kiss to his two girls (sometimes three if Peaches is out) he is off to work at Earth Search.
Earth Search is a Archaeological research firm that mainly does
Investigations for companies around the Southern Mississippi Valley area
to determine if there is any archaeological elements that would
be effected by construction at sites by the companies. We can also monitor sites
during construction to take care of archaeological artifacts and/or burial sites
that are unearthed in construction. We work with the Corps of Engineers
pretty often.
My job at earth search is to help create and publish the reports to the companies. Its fun because i get to work with maps of New Orleans (one of my new major interests, if you recall my excitement with the 1912 map of New Orleans i got framed, if you don't
click here), and i get to learn how to do stuff in Photoshop and Arch-GIS and all these other fun programs. It also appeals to my accomplishment mentality where I can make a report, then produce, and deliver it to the client (or FedEx it). I also get to take care of kids in the nursery every so often (We have a nursery), i get to run errands to pick up pictures of sites, buy items for the office, go to the bank, and go to the FedEx box and Post office. I am having so much fun and i hope that they hire me (everyone keeps saying they love me and do not see why i would not be hired) But its all still in Gods hands.